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Thursday, May 16, 2013

Monday, May 13, 2013

Amatuerish but u gotta love the sloth :3

Saw a really good banner for a player i admire so i decided to mess around and make one myself and im pretty proud of it, especially cause the terran logo was being hard to work with and caused me a bit of trouble.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Mom asked me to make something art deco and it turned out okay but ill try to do a better one in the future.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Elements and Principles of Graphic Design

*Elements of Graphic Design

-Lines: Lines give the outline of the graphic that you are designing. Borders between designs. Lines are used to separate content and create forms. Can be used as the defining feature on a page guiding the eye and divide space. Lines show the dimension of the object you re trying to create. Lines show the motion of the object in the picture. Lines can convey seriousness or friendliness. Lines are usually in pairs or groups. Lines are meant to be used purposely. Sharp edges are more formal while rounded lines are more casual.

 I believe this picture is a good use of lines because it shows how lines make up shapes and form other things. This picture shows the division between the white space through lines.

-Shape: Shape shows the idea which you are trying to create. Draws the eyes, can create universal symbols through the combination of shapes and lines. Can provide texture, depth, or emphasis. Can convey thoughts or emotions also can provide framework. There are geometric, natural and abstract shapes. Geometric shapes are mostly based on symmetry, nature shapes are found in nature can be man made, abstract shapes are simplified symbols taking after natural shapes. implied Boundaries and borders. Mechanical shapes are things made with geometry and compasses. Hexagons, triangles, squares and circles.
I believe that this picture is a good example of the use of shapes because this picture shows how a shape can catch your eye.

-Mass: Size, emphasize, each part of a piece you create has its own mass and placement in a piece. Mass can create contrast. Mass helps specify size itself. Mass gives definition to the piece that you are creating. Creates comparison.Visual weight of a graphic.

This design is a good show of mass because it shows how mass separates each peice of the design and give the image a 3 dimensional look.

-Texture: Shows detail, makes the object even if 2d make look more 3d and alive. Looks like you can feel the art. Creates a uniqueness to a design or piece. Arrangement of lines or shapes to make a picture look like it has depth and feel. Weight of the design can make the customer perceive the message of which they are trying to convey. Everything around us has texture and you can simulate texture through a design. Helps create the background of a design and makes the design realistic.

This design uses texture in a way to make the design look alive and 3d even though the piece i 2d. This is an example of the way you could use a texture to make the web page or design look more realistic. As soon as you see the texture you start to imagine the feel of the design.
-Color: Color give the graphic definition and bring out the idea you are trying to create. Colors mean different things in our society. Like red meaning stop and green meaning go. Depending on the color something can be emphasized or be hidden within a design. Colors can also relate to appetite and emotions. Colors can blend well or be the lines between parts of a design. Value is how light or dark the color is. This scale creates contrast. This is the same as how you cant read black text on black background. The value can create movement rather than a static design. Value can lead the eye and create a pattern. Color overrides value and creates a strong effect.

*Principles of Graphic Design

This design uses color in a way to highlight a message. Texture and lines are also used to make the picture look like its jumping off the wall. The greenish color gives it a metallic looks, symbolizing long last. The background gives a good vibe without stealing the designs thunder. The color blends well in the picture making it look even more nice.

-Proximity: The space between 2 objects or graphics/ how close the 2 objects are to each other.



-Contrast: Contrast is the difference between light and dark distinguishing different parts of the graphic being created.
-White Space:An area of the template you are using that i not covered either by a graphic or color.

Friday, February 8, 2013



                Welcome to my blog. This is where i will be posting my creations from the graphic design course i attend. I'll try to make the pictures i post as interesting as possible but graphics design isn't all about the cool things you can do, its about learning and then hopefully the fruits of my learning experience will be amazing designs that i will be proud to post.